Saturday, August 22, 2015

People Analytics

One of the overlooked element of a Workplace is its People (Users as we refer to them) , we put our energies on improving the tools to make users more productive and bring efficiency . But with the advent of Wearables will the focus be on real arbiter at the Workplace “THE USER”.  Will industry Use wearable sensors and digital data to deliver people analytics?
What it is and does?
Ø  Turbo-charged company ID badge (microphones, Bluetooth, infrared) to track all sorts of data points about employees to find what its most effective employees do differently
Ø  You collect the data , do some magic and provide analysis, which an organization uses to bring in change
Interesting case study at Bank of America Call Center -
Ø  So what did they found at BoA? “People who spend all their time talking to 5 other people at the company completed calls in half the time as people in the least cohesive groups. It was a straight-line relationship, very powerful– Enable groups , Give people breaks together. Find social levers
Ø  Result 23 % improved productivity, time taken to finish the call. Turnover went down by 28%
Go on read the report and you will find another interesting relation between size of lunch table and job satisfaction J . - Spinoff of the MIT Media Lab

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