Monday, January 1, 2007

Change NTFS Permissions on Folders

The Process which need to be Followed to Change the Permissions on the Folders in the of Server is as Follows:
1) Log on to the Server with Admin ID.2) Go to this Link :
and download and Install the Xcacls Utility from the Microsoft Website.
3) Go to the Command prompt of Server and go to C:\program files\resource kit Folder.
4)Run the following Command on the Command prompt.
xcacls /T /E /G :FO /Y
(/T: Recursively walk through the current directory and all its subdirectories, applying the chosen access rights to the matching files or directories.)]
(/E: Edit the ACL instead of replacing it.)(/G: Grant access to user to the matching file or directory. )
(/Y: Disables confirmation when replacing user access rights. Using this option, XcAcls can be used in batch scripts unlike CACLS.)
(F : Full Contolr and O: Take Ownership)

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